Blonde Hair at Stone Hair

There’s a blonde shade out there for everyone, whether it be warm or cool, a full head application or soft summer highlights. So do blondes really have more fun? They do if they’re maintained correctly. Blondes need to be looked after professionally in the salon on a 6 – 8 weekly appointment basis. You can be as expressive as you desire with either a soft pastel shimmer of shine or an intensive fashion toner. At Stone Hairdressing we can help you with this by recommending one of our tailor made glossing blowdrys to keep the tone looking fresh. When it comes to homecare, a blonde needs a real treat as uv rays and home styling can take its toll.

Stone Hairdressing offer a bespoke Joico professional consultation that will suit your hair’s individual needs we can help you look after your hair from inside out whether it be in the salon or at home.


Top Tip for Blonde Hair

To keep your stunning blonde colour looking bright, we would recommend Joico Blonde Life Brightening Shampoo & Conditioner. Id you feel that the blonde is becoming a little dull between appointments, we have Blonde Life Violet Shampoo & Conditioner to knock out those yellow tones. For dry ends, Joico Colour Therapy Treatment will nourish the hair strands and leave a shinier, healthier look.

Blonde Hair Stone Hair Salon
Stone Hair Salon Blonde
Stone Hair Salon Blonde
Stone Hair Salon Blonde

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To make a booking please call our salon on 01202 538899.